JUNIFOL® is manufactured in two basic widths of 5.1m and 8.0m, in thicknesses ranging from 0.6mm to 3.0mm. The surface can be smooth, one-side or both-side structured. The product can be manufactured as a mono-layer or a multi-layer co-extruded membrane. The standard colour of the membrane is black, various colour modifications are available upon request.
JUNIFOL® membranes are manufactured in the following three variants – polymeric geosynthetic barriers (geomembranes), tunnel membranes or waterproofing (anti-radon) membranes. The production process complies with all relevant harmonised EU standards and the products bear CE marking.
For application in engineering projects, JUNIFOL® membranes are certified according to several national quality management systems (BAM, ÖNORM S 2073, ASQUAL, KIWA, DIBt, ZTV-ING). Their characteristics also meet the requirements of GRI-GM13 and GRI-GM17 quality standards.
JUNIFOL® membranes demonstrate superior chemical resistance, so as excellent mechanical and hydraulic properties. They are resistant to microorganisms and fungi, and serve as an efficient barrier against plant root growth as well as leaking of gasses (such as methane and radon). Basic UV-stabilisation is standardly provided, specific stabilisation is available upon request.
As a complement to the range of JUNIFOL® membranes JUTA a.s. manufactures welding rods JUTA WR PLUS and JUTA WR PREMIUM. Standardly provided on spools, the weight of the rod can be either 2.4kg or 4.8kg per spool, while the rod diameters offered are 3, 4, or 5mm.
JUNIFOL® membranes are certified for permanent direct contact with cold drinking water (in accordance with Czech legislation).